Monday, March 26, 2012

A little update & my Hunger Games review

Today was the first day of the last 5 weeks of my internship! It's so exciting, planning our trip and getting ready to celebrate! I had the most amazing Spring Break. I got a lot of work done, made 2 trips to the zoo, went shopping A LOT, spent the day with my chunky monkey nephew, saw the Hunger Games, and spent a wonderful day with my hubby.  We ate at a new restaurant, Leonardo's (new to us). It was delicious! We thoroughly enjoyed the Hunger Games.  The book was better of course.  I am a lover of books.  All books. As a teacher I hope to inspire a love of books in my students.  I also enjoy seeing my favorite books come to life in movies.  This is the only way I can share them with my husband who won't even read the label on a shampoo bottle! Surprisingly, he enjoyed the movie too.  I did appreciate that the movie followed the book more closely than the Twilight series and we all know how big of a Twilight fan I am. I had a few issues with the movie.  The top 4 issues were: 1) They changed the way Katniss got the mockingjay 2) They did not give enough background on the Capitol and how it treats the people 3) They portrayed Katniss a little too scared in my opinion.  (Katniss was tough and even if she was scared she was very good at hiding it) 4) NOT ENOUGH GALE.  I realize number 4 was true to the book but geez I love me some Gale. I have been Team Gale since before there was a movie so it has nothing to do with Liam Hemsworth's hottness. Overall I was very pleased.
Please pray that I find a job.  It is a difficult time for teachers but I am trying to hand it over to God.  I know that he will place me where I need to be.